Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pre and Post Methow Valley Trip

Here are some some pics from before and after our trip to Okanogan, Washington to be with the Majors and Waldron families…

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Here is Kami and her new-used cello.  It was a surprise for her when she went on her recent trip to Salem to see her mother and grandparents.  I had her sister pick it up at Strobel & Sons for me.  Now I need to buy a whip to make her practice!

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Here are Jay and Heidi Chang.  He is a missionary to the Hmong people in Thailand. His father was killed fighting for the Americans during the Vietnam conflict. He moved to the States when he was 14 years old, was born again at 18, and called to preach soon after.  He is now going back to his own people to preach the gospel to them.  They stayed in Fossil for a week, and we enjoyed their company.

We traveled to Okanogan on March 30th.  The weather was beautiful.  We stopped in Soap Lake to take a break, and the kids played on the playground there.  We also enjoyed looking at a large sundial made from these sculptures.

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This lake is part of the Grand Coulee, a remnant from the runoff of the great Missoula Flood sometime after Noah’s Flood.  It is a beautiful drive along Hwy. 17!

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This is a playground on a section of the Majors’ property.  We enjoyed staying with this family.  We had Thursday services at the Waldren’s home and then a meal on Friday night there, with games, etc.  We had a very enjoyable time.

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Here is Sister Waldren and their oldest daughter, Kali (short for Kaliopi?), preparing the lemonade for the meal.

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Brothers Waldren and Majors.  They were both a blessing to our family. Below is Kami with the ladies, again, but we are missing Maggie (short for Magatha?).  You can see the back of Maggie’s head in the second picture where everyone is playing “Headbandz.”april 6 2011 069

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On the way home we stopped and looked at the some of the lakes again.  Here we are at a visitors’ center.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Pictures of Fossil and more

Posted by Mykaela K. M.

This last week we took a three-day trip to Okanogan, Washington.  We stayed with Brother and Sister Majors, and Papa preached for them in their Thursday night services.  We had so much fun with the Majors and the Waldrons, and on Thursday night, I went over and stayed the night with Kali and Maggie Waldron, watched a movie with them, and went out to breakfast the next morning.  We had such good fellowship and really enjoyed our time with them.  Hopefully some of them will be able to come down and visit us in Fossil sometime.

We also had some missionaries, the Alex James family with us yesterday.  Bro. James and family are going to the mission field of Chile. 

We are all getting very excited about our trip next week, and a few weeks ago we went around town taking pictures to show to our family back east.  Here are a few of them for those of you that we won’t be able to see.

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You can see the church in the background of the picture on the left, and on the right is our one store in town!  :)  pics of fossil 068

Here is Haven House, I have been going there pretty often lately to play piano for the  people during meal times.  I really love the people of Haven House, and I am hoping to get some opportunities to witness to them.

On the left is our flashing red light we got in town…woo hoo!  We are really moving up in the world!

pics of fossil 080pics of fossil 088Below are me and Mercy in front of the courthouse, and left is a side view of the of fossil 095

This is a picture of the town of Fossil from one of our church member’s house that lives in the highest house in town.

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Here is a little fawn that was just lying down by the side of a stream.  We get hundreds of deer in town, and many times you can see them in broad daylight, just walking through the streets.

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Below is a place about twenty miles out of town where you can see for miles upon miles on a clear day.

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Here is a cute little puppet show Malachi did…

“See if you can figure out my genius!” Haha! :)