Thursday, March 10, 2011

More Bubbles!!

(Posted by Mykaela K. M.)

This last week Papa ordered 40 pounds of the big black tapioca pearls to use for Bubble Tea!!

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Here they are in all their glory!  These things are SO good when they are mixed in with smoothies or cold coffee…


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Here is Kayson with his Bubble Tea:

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We all absolutely LOVE those silly bubble teas.  (They are not teas, understand, but smoothies, but they are called Bubble Tea:).

Kebron gave his first laugh a couple of days ago, I was bumping him up and down on my knee, singing some made-up song to the tune of “I’ve been working on the railroad”, and all of a sudden I looked down and he was laughing at me!  I was very thrilled. :)

We are all really looking forward to the trip we are going to take in April.  It’s so amazing that it’s only a few weeks away.  We are planning on going to St. Louis first, then up to Indiana, then to Michigan, and back home through South Dakota, where we will stop to see my other great-grandparents.  We are excited about seeing Papa’s siblings and parents, and also many old friends of ours in St. Louis.  We are planning on making a picture book of places around Fossil to take with us on our trip and show people where we live.

Here is a picture of the hills around Fossil I took a couple of weeks ago.

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You can see part of the church in the lower right-hand corner. 

Here is a pic of the hills covered in snow.

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There are still little patches of snow on the hills now, but it’s all melted off in town. 

Well, that’s about all…we are planning on taking separate pictures of everyone in the family to put on the next post.  Enjoy!