Here is Kayson in a box from one of our recent trips to Costco (a place like Sam's Club for those in the east).
Here are some of Mykaela's recent baking sprees. She made some cream puffs for Malachi's birthday (not a good idea...being so light and full of air, a whole batch lasted about 2 minutes, and everyone was wondering where the birthday cake was at), and then she made another batch for a fellowship we had after a Wednesday evening service at church. Below are some cookies she made.
Here is Kayson after Mykaela gave him a kiss. At least, that is what I am assuming by the look of hte picture. I wasn't there when it was taken, so I can't be absolutly sure.
Kayson, in his play pen. He will pull himself up and "walk" around the edge of the pen. He is a very busy boy.
Myakeala and Mercy with their matching outfits.